Gerardine Neylon

Doctor of Philosophy, M.A. in Child Protection & Welfare , B.Sc. in Mutual Business Management , Grad. Cert in Tertiary Teaching, Dr

  • The University of Western Australia (M428), 35 Stirling Highway,

    6009 Perth


Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Personal profile

Current projects

Dr Gerardine Neylon is a political scientist holding the post of Honary Research Fellow at the Graduate School of Education and a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority.

Up to 2022 Gerardine coordinated units in the Master of Teaching for Pre-service teachers. She coordinated the  Education Studies unit in the Master of Education for professionals in education wishing to expand their expertise and career possibilities. For undergraduate students, she coordinated the Minor Learning in the Professions. Gerardine is the Deputy Chair of the Global Partnership and Engagement Committee.

Gerardine has lectured in both policy and pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and Care. Her research interests include all aspects of pre-school: Rights Based Pedagogies, Montessori Methods, National Australian Teaching Standards and Life Histories of Teachers. Gerardine supervises PhD, Doctoral and Master dissertations in the University of Western Australia (UWA) and in Singapore.  Prior to moving to Australia Gerardine’s research took her to visit pre-schools in the Nordic countries and Reggio Emilia in North Italy.

Gerardine was awarded tertiary teaching qualifications from UWA adding to her Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Limerick Ireland. She has a Master in Public Policy & Administration (Honours) (University of Limerick, Ireland) and a Master degree in Child Protection & Welfare (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland), a B.Sc. in Mutual Business Management (University College Cork, Ireland) and a Diploma in Pre-school Care (Cathal Brua St, Dublin Ireland).

Roles and responsibilities






Gerardine represented the University of Western Australia on the course advisory committee to the Montessori Institute.  The Course Advisory Committee is appointed by the Board of Management and consists of industry experts, including Academics from universities and principals of schools. The role of the committee is to advise the Institute on all matters pertaining to students and courses, including course structure and delivery, assessment, plagiarism, student attrition and completion and ensuring work-ready graduates. This advice forms part of the Institutes Continuous Improvement Plan, which is acted upon and subsequently reported back to the Board and the Associations members and to our regulators TEQSA and ACECQA during the re-registration process. TEQSA also requires a report on the composition of committee. The Course Advisory Committee is fundamental to the ongoing success of the Montessori Institute and the continued accreditation of our courses. 


Gerardine represented the University of Western Australia as a member of the Education sub-committee of The Australian Association for Infant Mental Health Ltd (AAIMHI) is a not-for-profit organisation of professionals from a range of disciplines including health, education and welfare dedicated to the field of infant mental health.

AAIMHI’s primary focus is to draw attention to the importance of the healthy social and emotional development of infants (0 to 3 years) in Australia. This is achieved by assisting families, professionals and communities to build nurturing and strong relationships with their children, and to be aware of the causes and signs of mental, physical and emotional stress in infants.  



Previous positions

2012 –2013 St. Nicholas Montessori College, Ireland (SNMCI) Adelaide St. Dun Laoghaire, Ireland Specialist Early Childhood Education and Care Programme Review Consultant
Programmatic review of Montessori BA (Hons) in Montessori Education and Higher the Diploma. Worked collaboratively on curriculum design.

2007 –2009 National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland - Mid-Western Access Co-ordinator
In collaboration with three institutional partners, successfully established an outreach Access training centre as part of a Strategic Innovation Funded (SIF) project to target disadvantage. Annually presented students results for progression to undergraduate degrees to the academic council of University of Ireland Galway and NUIG Access Manager.

1981 – 2004 Clarecare, Harmony Row, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland Pre-School Manager
Developed, managed and advised 26 Early Childhood Education and Care services.
Developed policy and procedures relating to employment and continued professional development for staff.
Represented Co. Clare on the National Committee of the Irish Preschool Playgroups Association. As Chairperson of the education sub-committee developed the ‘Playgroup Introductory Course for Playgroup leaders’ (1984).


Measuring the quality of Early Childhood Care and Education Settings Ireland, 2012.
Gerardine applied the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scales/Revised and the Extension four Curricular Subscales (ECERS/R/E) in a systematic way to measure standards of pre-school provision in Ireland. This exploratory study is the first application of the global scales in the Irish context. The evidence based data was analysed using quantitative (ECERSR/E/R findings) and qualitative (Relational Pedagogy) methods. This research used a post-modern pedagogical analysis known as Relational Pedagogy.

Review of European Integration Fund (EIF) Third Country Nationals (TCNs) Pobal funded programme, 2012.
Gerardine reviewed and evaluated the work carried out by the Clare Immigrant Support Centre under the European Integration Fund Third Country Nationals (TCNs) Programme
Research Assistant on Social Policy/Politics, University of Limerick, Ireland 2008.
Research Assistant on topics such as, Social Partnership, Child and Family Services Reform and Social Policy

Research Assistant International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement Phase (ll) (IEA), 2007
Gerardine was a research assistant on the International Association for Evaluation of Educational Achievement, Ireland (2007) project, where she conducted research with Irish-four-year olds who were attending junior infant classes to explore the impact of parental expectations, curricular and familial factors on the development of children at age four by direct observation in the classroom setting and interviews with teachers and parents. Refer to:
West Clare Early Childhood Care and Education development plan, 2000.
Conducted a needs analysis of Childcare in West Clare, Ireland
Co. Clare Childcare Committee, 1999.
Progressed institutional development plans with national government agency to introduce the concept of an Early Years Care and Education/Social Partnership working model in Co. Clare. Ireland.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 4 - Quality Education

Industry keywords

  • Education

Research expertise keywords

  • Early Childhood Education and Care
  • National Teaching Standards
  • Montessori Method
  • Qualitative methodologies


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