Young Motorcyclists’ Behavior Analysis in Pakistan based on Modified Motorcycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (MRBQ)

Amjad Pervez, Suyi Mao, Jaeyoung Jay Lee, Muhammad Hussain

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2 Citations (Scopus)


In many low- and middle-income countries, including Pakistan, young motorcyclists are overrepresented in crashes, primarily due to risky behaviors. To examine these behaviors, the Motorcycle Rider Behavior Questionnaire (MRBQ) has been modified for young motorcyclists in Pakistan to better capture the unique and culturally relevant behaviors affecting their safety. In addition, the study seeks to identify the factor structure of the MRBQ tailored for young motorcyclists in Pakistan, explore the determinants of self-reported incidents (i.e., crashes, near crashes, and violations), and provide effective policy recommendations to enhance road safety. For this purpose, data are collected from 721 young motorcyclists across Pakistan. In addition, exploratory factor analysis was conducted to determine the underlying factor structure of the adapted MRBQ, while a multivariate binary probit model was employed to assess the determinants of self-reported incidents. The findings reveal a five-factor solution comprising safety violations, speeding violations, traffic errors, stunts, and control errors, which differ from previous studies. Notably, “safety violations” emerge as the most significant factor, highlighting the prevalence of risky behaviors among young motorcyclists in Pakistan. In addition, the study indicates that young motorcyclists with lower levels of education, lack a valid riding license, or ride motorcycles with higher engine capacities and for longer durations are more likely to experience crashes, near crashes, and violations. The MRBQ factors, particularly safety violations, speeding violations, and traffic errors, substantially increase the risk of these incidents among young motorcyclists in Pakistan. These findings highlight the importance of addressing both sociodemographic and MRBQ factors in reducing risky riding behaviors among this vulnerable group. The study also offers several policy recommendations to promote safe behaviors and reduce the risk of crashes and injuries among young motorcyclists in Pakistan and other regions with similar contexts.
Original languageEnglish
Article number107873
Number of pages11
JournalAccident Analysis & Prevention
Early online date3 Dec 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Dec 2024


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