title = "What Will You Do If I Say 'I Do'?: The Effect of the Sex Ratio on Time Use within Taiwanese Married Couples",
abstract = "This paper uses the natural experiment of a large imbalance between men and women of marriageable age in Taiwan in the 1960s to test the hypothesis that higher sex ratios lead to husbands (wives) having a lower (higher) share of couple{\textquoteright}s time in leisure and higher (lower) share of the couple{\textquoteright}s total work time (employment, commuting and housework). A large sample of Taiwanese couples{\textquoteright} time diaries from 1987, 1990, and 1994 is used. The analysis finds evidence of the predicted effects of the county-level sex ratio on husbands{\textquoteright} and wives{\textquoteright} share of leisure and total work time. In addition, the age difference between husbands and wives is shown to be positively correlated with heightened county-level sex ratio a result which is also consistent with the theory that marriage market participants{\textquoteright} choices are affected by the prevailing sex ratio.",
keywords = "Taiwan, bargaining power, marriage markets, sex ratios, time diaries, time use",
author = "Simon Chang and Rachel Connelly and Ping Ma",
year = "2016",
language = "English",
series = "Economics Discussion Papers",
publisher = "UWA Business School",
number = "5",
address = "Australia",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "UWA Business School",