
Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Research Background: In my first full-length poetry collection, I bring together my research and personal interests in: postcolonial feminism, the representation of Asian women in the Australian public domain, ethnic author function and translanguaging, and consider intersectional identities in the post/colonial world.

Research Contribution: The collection comprises three sections: Beginning, Wandering and Continuing. Beginning examines late 20th Century colonial and early post-colonial identities, Wandering considers intersectionality of race and gender, and Continuing builds on the themes in two sections but situated within our contemporary neoliberal society. In adopting “translanguaging”, a concept I borrow from educationalists working in multicultural classrooms. I test the limits of hybridised language in order to reject, interrogate, and problematise my own position within a complex kyriarchy. Pieces in this book experiment form to draw attention to how poetry, a text type that lends itself to linguistic experimentation, can be used to explore ethnic author function/positionality, and thread together fragmented identities.

Research Significance: Since its publication, the poems from the book have been included in secondary school and university English and Literature courses, and furthered discussion on of contemporary poetry in 21st Century multicultural Australia.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationFremantle
PublisherFremantle Press
Number of pages114
ISBN (Electronic)9781760990237
ISBN (Print) 9781760990220
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2021


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