Vessels of Care & Control: Compostcubator 0.2

Ionat Zurr (Artist), Oron Catts (Artist)

Research output: Non-traditional research outputExhibitionpeer-review


Vessels of Care and Control: Compostcubator 2.0 Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr How can we keep cells alive outside the human body? Does compost hold the potential to sustain partial life? New practices and therapies in regenerative medicine use tissue cultures grown outside of the body in a lab environment. Vessels of Care & Control: Compostcubator 2.0 explores the use of a low-tech biological incubator to care for, nurture and control other living systems. In this installation, the heat generated by compost-dwelling microbes is harnessed to support the development of cellular life. Throughout the run of SPARE PARTS, a compost-powered incubator, situated in the Guy’s Courtyard, outside the gallery, will attempt to heat and sustain scar cells (mouse connective tissue) at the required 37°C. Part artwork, part experiment, visitors will be able to monitor the temperature of the compost heap to gauge whether the tissue culture is surviving. The shape of the installation draws on the architectural features of ancient places of worship, early child birth training devices (obstetric phantom) and on the nesting habit of the Malleefowl, an Australian bird which uses heat from rotting organic materials to incubate its eggs. With thanks to Loughborough Farm and the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine at King's College London.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon, UK
PublisherThe Science Gallery
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2019
EventSpare parts: rethinking human repair - Kings college, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 28 Feb 201912 May 2019


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