User-Developed Applications and Information Systems Success: A Test of DeLone and McLean's Model

T. Mcgill, Jane Klobas, V. Hobbs

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210 Citations (Scopus)


DeLone and McLean’s (1992) model of information systems success has received much attention amongst researchers. This study provides the first empirical test of an adaptation of DeLone and McLean’s model in the user-developed application domain. The model tested was only partially supported by the data. Of the nine hypothesized relationships tested, four were found to be significant and the remainder not significant. The model provided strong support for the relationships between perceived system quality and user satisfaction, perceived information quality and user satisfaction, user satisfaction and intended use, and user satisfaction and perceived individual impact. This study indicates that user perceptions of information systems success play a significant role in the user-developed application domain. There was, however, no relationship between user developers’ perceptions of system quality and independent experts’ evaluations, and user ratings of individual impact were not associated with organizational impact measured as company performance in a business simulation. Further research is required to understand the relationship between user perceptions of IS success and objective measures of success, and to provide a model of IS success appropriate to end user development.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24-45
JournalInformation Resources Management Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2003


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