Turbulent energy scale-budget equations for nearly homogeneous sheared turbulence

L. Danaila, F. Anselmet, Tongming Zhou

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    15 Citations (Scopus)


    For moderate Reynolds numbers, the isotropic relation between second-order and third-order moments for velocity increments (Kolmogorov's equation) is not respected, reflecting a non-negligible correlation between the scales responsible for the injection, transfer and dissipation of the turbulent energy. For (shearless) grid turbulence, there is only one dominant large-scale phenomenon, which is the non-stationarity of statistical moments resulting from the decay of energy downstream of the grid. In this case, the extension of Kolmogorov's analysis, as carried out by Danaila, Anselmet, Zhou and Antonia, J. Fluid Mech. 391, 1999 359-369) is quite straightforward. For shear flows, several large-scale phenomena generally coexist with similar amplitudes. This is particularly the case for wall-bounded flows, where turbulent diffusion and shear effects can present comparable amplitudes. The objective of this work is to quantify, in a fully developed turbulent channel flow and far from the wall, the influence of these two effects on the scale-by-scale energy budget equation. A generalized Kolmogorov equation is derived. Relatively good agreement between the new equation and hot-wire measurements is obtained in the outer region (40 R 36.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)287-310
    JournalFlow, Turbulence and Combustion
    Issue number2-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


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