Troubled waters in the land down under: Pervasive threats and high extinction risks demand urgent conservation actions to protect Australia's native freshwater fishes

Mark Lintermans, Maiko Lutz, Nick S. Whiterod, Bernd Gruber, Michael P. Hammer, Mark J. Kennard, David L. Morgan, Tarmo A. Raadik, Peter Unmack, Steven Brooks, Brendan C. Ebner, Dean Gilligan, Gavin L. Butler, Glenn Moore, Culum Brown, Rob Freeman, Adam Kerezsy, Chris M. Bice, Matthew C. Le Feuvre, Stephen BeattyAngela H. Arthington, John Koehn, Helen K. Larson, Rhys Coleman, Rupert Mathwin, Luke Pearce, Zeb Tonkin, Andrew Bruce, Tom Espinoza, Pippa Kern, Jason A. Lieschke, Keith Martin, John Sparks, Daniel J. Stoessel, Scotte D. Wedderburn, Hugh Allan, Pam Clunie, Bernie Cockayne, Iain Ellis, Scott Hardie, Wayne Koster, Karl Moy, David Roberts, David Schmarr, Joanne Sharley, David Sternberg, Sylvia Zukowski, Chris Walsh, Brenton Zampatti, James J. Shelley, Catherine Sayer, David G. Chapple

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Agricultural and Biological Sciences