“To be there for my family” and “Keep my independence”: Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Cancer Survivors’ Health Behaviour Motives

Chloé Maxwell-Smith, Paul A. Cohen, Cameron Platell, Jason Tan, Christobel Saunders, Sophie Nightingale, Craig Lynch, Frank Sardelic, Jacob McCormick, Sarah J. Hardcastle

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Cancer survivors are at risk of comorbidities and mortality, and those living outside of metropolitan areas are particularly susceptible given poorer socioeconomic, health and support resources. As engagement in health behaviours is affected by participants’ autonomous motives, investigation of the motives of cancer survivors in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas could elucidate the values and reasons for practising health behaviours, allowing programs to be tailored to these motives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1969-1976
Number of pages8
JournalSupportive Care in Cancer
Issue number4
Early online date21 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


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