Three-point functions of conserved currents in 4D CFT: general formalism for arbitrary spins

Evgeny I. Buchbinder, Benjamin J. Stone

Research output: Working paperPreprint


We analyse the general structure of the three-point functions involving conserved higher-spin currents $J_{s} := J_{α(i) \dotα(j)}$ belonging to any Lorentz representation in four-dimensional conformal field theory. Using the constraints of conformal symmetry and conservation equations, we computationally analyse the general structure of three-point functions $\langle J^{}_{s_{1}} J'_{s_{2}} J''_{s_{3}} \rangle$ for arbitrary spins and propose a classification of the results. For bosonic vector-like currents with $i=j$, it is known that the number of independent conserved structures is $2 \min (s_{i}) + 1$. For the three-point functions of conserved currents with arbitrarily many dotted and undotted indices, we show that in many cases the number of structures deviates from $2 \min (s_{i}) + 1$.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2023


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