'The snake in the rock' and Meso-physical journeys: landscape and transformation in Cate Kennedy's The World beneath, Tim Winton's Dirt Music, Kate Grenville's The Secret River and 'The Snake in the rock'

Fiona Annabel Britton

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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This thesis contains a novel 'The Snake in the Rock' and a dissertation 'Meso-physical Journeys : Landscape and Transformation in Cate Kennedy's The World Beneath, Tim Winton's Dirt Music, Kate Grenville's The Secret River and 'The Snake in the Rock".

'The Snake in the Rock' portrays the emotional journeys of father and son Felix and Jozef Fabin during transformative visits to Australia.

The dissertation examines meso-physical journeys in The World Beneath, Dirt Music, The Secret River and 'The Snake in the Rock' -journeys made by characters through Australian 'natural landscapes ' which permit the revision of previously held ideas.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
  • Walker, Brenda, Supervisor
  • Ikin, Van, Supervisor
Publication statusUnpublished - 2015


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