The rising tide: Reconciling Sea Level Rise with the provision of ecosystem services in Perth Water

Julian Alexander Bolleter, Joerg Christoph Baumeister, William Ronald Grace, Zoe Melantha Myers

Research output: Book/ReportOther output


This Australian Urban Design Research
Centre (AUDRC) project initially
examines existing, proposed and
strategic planning in relation to Perth
Water and surrounds by various
stakeholders, including the City of Perth,
City of South Perth, Department of
Parks and Wildlife amongst others. In
combination with a geospatial and site
based analysis this research provides a
snapshot of the current planning for,
Perth Water. It also reveals that there is
substantial consensus that the
foreshores of Perth Water should be
considered part of a green infrastructure
network, and that they are crucial to the
identity, liveability and ecology of the city.
Given this situation, the project poses
the questions - how can the green
infrastructure role for Perth Water’s
foreshores, as proposed in existing
planning, be enhanced at the same time
as adapting to projected Sea level Rise
(SLR), which mapping shows poses a
significant risk to the foreshores and
adjacent low lying urban areas?
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPerth
PublisherAustralian Urban Design Research Centre AUDRC
Commissioning bodyMetropolitan Redevelopment Authority MRA
Number of pages77
ISBN (Electronic)9780994269829
ISBN (Print)9780994269829
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2017


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