The quenching and survival of ultra diffuse galaxies in the Coma cluster

C. Yozin, Kenji Bekki

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    93 Citations (Scopus)


    © 2015 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. We conduct the first self-consistent numerical simulations of a recently discovered population of 47 large, faint (ultra diffuse) galaxies, speculated to lie in the Coma cluster. With structural properties consistent with very large low surface brightness systems (LSBs; i.e. μ(g,0) -2; re comparable to the Galaxy), the red colour (〈g - r〉 ~ 0.8) and assumed low metallicity of these objects compels us to consider a scenario in which these are underdeveloped galaxies whose early (z ≃ 2) accretion to an overdense environment quenched further growth. Our simulations demonstrate the efficacy of this scenario, with respect to available observational constraints, using progenitor galaxy models derived from scaling relations, and idealized tidal/hydrodynamical models of the Coma cluster. The apparent ubiquity of these objects in Coma implies they constitute an important galaxy population; we accordingly discuss their properties with respect to a ΛCDM cosmology, classical LSBs, and the role of baryonic physics in their early formation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)937-943
    JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


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