The process of new plasmalemma formation in focally injured skeletal muscle fibers

J. M. Papadimitriou, T. A. Robertson, C. A. Mitchell, M. D. Grounds

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The major ultrastructural events in murine skeletal muscle fibers were examined 3 to 24 hr after segmental injury induced by painting with aldehyde fixative. At 3 hr the viable stump of injured myofibers was separated from the necrotic segment by a zone of supercontracted myofibrils. No demarcating membrane was evident at this time, although occasionally collapsed segments of plasmalemma partially covered the viable stump. By 12 hr after injury myonuclei near the viable stump were centrally placed and numerous whorls of membrane material appeared in the vicinity of the Golgi apparatus. At this stage a convoluted, tortuous membrane exhibiting extensive interdigitations has sealed the structurally normal part of the injured fiber. The myoplasm immediately within this demarcating membrane possessed few myofilaments but numerous vesicles and tubules, several of which were continuous with the demarcating membrane; most degraded sarcoplasmic organelles remained external to the demarcating membrane and leukocytes were observed internalizing the debris. It appears that after segmental injury to skeletal muscle fibers, active production of new sarcoplasmic membranes occurs, which contributes to the formation of the part of the plasmalemma that demarcates the viable portion of the muscle fiber from the injured area.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)124-134
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Structural Biology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 1990


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