The prevention of hypoglycaemia with sensor-augmented pump therapy in Type 1 diabetes

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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It is vital to address strategies to minimise hypoglycaemia; a well-recognised concern in individuals with Type 1 diabetes. This research project first identified the burden of significant hypoglycaemia in a population-based cohort of adolescents in Western Australia and demonstrated that although the prevalence has reduced, it continues to be a concern. This was followed by randomised multicentre clinical trials under in-clinic conditions and free-living home studies which established the safety and efficacy of a technological intervention (Predictive Low Glucose Management System) in hypoglycaemia prevention. Continued education and support are vital to ensure optimal technology use in adolescents with diabetes.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Davis, Elizabeth, Supervisor
  • Jones, Timothy, Supervisor
  • Devadason, Sunalene, Supervisor
Award date21 Sept 2020
Publication statusUnpublished - 2020


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