The living book of digital skills: You never knew you needed until now

Sara King, Katie Mills, Emma Chapman, Miah De Francesch, Blair Kelly, Jenna Malkin, Sue Khoo, Jasmine Castellano, David Trimble, Bryony Hawthorn, Leah Gustafson, Nica Tsakmakis, Ruth Cameron, Jane Lally, Michael D'Silva, Peggy Hsu, Sharron Stapleton

Research output: Book/ReportOther book


The Living Book of Digital Skills (You never knew you needed until now) is a living, open source online guide to 'modern not-quite-technical computer skills' for researchers and the broader academic community. A collaboration between Australia's Academic and Research Network (AARNet) and the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), this book is the creation of the CAUL Digital Dexterity Champions and their communities.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Nov 2022


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