The Impact of Early-Life Recurrent Otitis Media in Children on the Psychological Well-Being of Caregivers

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Aim: Children with early-life recurrent otitis media (OM) will often endure pain, sleep disturbances, and other developmental setbacks that impact the surrounding family system. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological well-being and family functioning of caregivers of children with early-life recurrent OM (rOM).Methods: Data from a longitudinal pregnancy cohort were used to categorize children into two groups: those with a history of recurrent OM (rOM group) and those without a history of rOM (reference group) by the age of 3 years. The psychological well-being of caregivers and the family functioning status were assessed using the Affect Balance Scale and the General Functioning Scale of the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD-GF), respectively, at the three-, five-, and eight-year follow-up appointments. Multiple linear regression models were used to analyze the data and were adjusted for potential confounding variables.Results: There were significant associations between having a child with an early history of rOM and the Affect Balance Scale of caregivers for the negative affects subscale at the three- (p < 0.001) and five- (p = 0.018) year follow-ups, and the Affect Balance subscale at the three-year (p = 0.007) and the five-year follow-ups (p = 0.047). There were no significant associations measured during the 8-year follow-up period for the FAD-GF.Conclusion: The findings of this study further highlight the impact of caring for a child with rOM in early childhood on caregivers' psychological well-being in the first five years of a child's life. The impact, however, did not appear to influence the longer-term functioning of the family as a whole.Level of EvidenceLevel 3 Laryngoscope, 2023
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1445-1449
Number of pages5
Issue number3
Early online date10 Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


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