The hydrothermal evolution of the Dresser Caldera: insights from a fluid inclusion analysis

Calum Smith

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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[Truncated] The 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation is home to some of the earliest signs of life on Earth. Underlying the Dresser Formation is an extensive epithermal system that has caused abundant hydrothermal alteration of the surrounding North Star Basalt. This epithermal system is also thought to have played a key role in the development of an environment suitable for early life to have formed and thrived. Examination of this epithermal system, specifically the nature of the hydrothermal fluids, is important both scientifically and philosophically for understanding how early life emerged within our solar system and potentially on Mars. This study has examined fluid inclusions from representative samples of the hydrothermally altered North Star Basalt in order to characterise the evolution of the hydrothermal fluids and to evaluate the contribution of various fluid reservoirs to the system.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Caruso, Stefano, Supervisor
  • Hagemann, Steffen, Supervisor
  • Fiorentini, Marco, Supervisor
Award date15 Dec 2020
Publication statusUnpublished - 2020


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