Textile-Reinforced Mortar Strengthening of Masonry Piers Containing Industrial Waste Coal Gangue Sintered Bricks

Lei Jing, Shi Ping Yin, Farhad Aslani

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The diffusion and adoption of coal gangue sintered bricks can effectively relieve the negative impact of coal gangue on the ecological environment. In China, this type of brick has been widely used for the construction of masonry structures. Existing masonry structures that use these types of bricks can experience severe problems related to safety, and strengthening by textile-reinforced mortar (TRM) is a valid measure for improving their performance. In this paper, the compressive performance of TRM-confined coal gangue sintered brick masonry piers was experimentally investigated. The influences of the number of textile layers, textile types (carbon and basalt), and additional FRP confinement at the upper and lower ends of the specimens on the compressive performance were mainly considered. The failure mode and increased effectiveness of the compressive strength, ultimate strain, and energy dissipation after TRM confinement were discussed. An existing model was also used to analyze the compressive strength. The results indicated that the compressive behavior of gangue sintered brick masonry piers could be significantly improved after TRM confinement, and the existing equation demonstrated relatively good prediction ability.

Original languageEnglish
Article number04022013
JournalJournal of Composites for Construction
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2022


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