Targets of Unequal Importance Using the Concept of Stratification in a Big Data Environment

Mehdi Rajabi Asadabadi, Morteza Saberi, Elizabeth Chang

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The concept of stratification (CST) has recently been proposed as an innovative approach in problem solving. CST takes a recursive approach to solve problems. It considers a system which has to transition through states until it arrives to a state which belongs to a desired set of states, namely a target set. The states can be stratified by enlarging the target (absorbing adjacent states). Incremental enlargement is a means to identify possible paths to achieve the target. Such an enlargement can also be used to degrade the target when the original target is not reachable. Although the characteristics of the concept, such as incremental enlargement, enhance its potential application in robotics, artificial intelligence, and planning and monitoring, there is a major shortcoming in the approach, namely its inability to consider targets of unequal importance. This study considers two targets of unequal importance for the system in CST, labelled Bi-Objective CST model (BOCST). In comparison with the original proposed CST model in this research, a version of CST with finite states which is much easier to apply than the original CST is proposed, labelled fuzzy CST. Following that, a combination of Fuzzy CST and BOCST (FBO-CST) is proposed. The model is then employed to address a restaurant selection problem using data from Google. The example illustrates how the model should be applied in a big data environment. By defining finite state CST and considering targets of unequal importance, this study is expected to facilitate future applications of CST.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1373-1384
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2018
Externally publishedYes


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