Systematic studies in cyperaceae tribe schoeneae: lepidosperma and allied genera

Russell Lindsay Barrett

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    Sedges (family Cyperaceae) are a poorly studied group of plants the world over. Knowledge of the Australian species of the tribe Schoeneae is particularly poor. It is proposed that the current classification of Australian member of this tribe is inadequate and in light of this, this thesis examines a number of Australasian genera in the Cyperaceae tribe Schoeneae. As previous morphology-based studies have failed to adequately resolve species and generic boundaries, the primary focus of this thesis determines the phylogenetic relationships of the tribe utilising novel DNA data.
    Significant time has been invested in making comprehensive collections of most of the Australian species of tribe Schoeneae and where possible, obtaining material of extra Australian species for genera occurring in Australia. An overview molecular phylogeny of the family is presented based on trnL–F plastid DNA data. Particular focus is given to tribe Schoeneae in this analysis to establish a monophyletic concept for the tribe. This analysis presents the most comprehensive sampling of the tribe to date. Key findings include the exclusion of Cladium, Rhynchospora and Scleria from the tribe. Schoenus and Tetraria are polyphyletic. Numerous genera are biphyletic.
    Lepidosperma has been recognised as one of the least understood genera in Australia. The greater proportion of this thesis is focussed on Lepidosperma and builds a solid foundation for understanding the diversity within the genus. Ecological literature is reviewed to determine the relative importance of the genus to over 160 other organisms.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • The University of Western Australia
    • Krauss, Siegfried, Supervisor
    • Dixon, Kingsley, Supervisor
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2012

    Embargo information

    • Embargoed from 2012 to 18/04/2013. Made publicly available on 21/02/2023.


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