Spatial statistics of random closed sets for earth observations

Kassel Hingee

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Spatial binary coverage maps, which are images with binary-valued pixels, can represent the pattern of presence and absence of vegetation and other substances. This thesis applies statistical theory for random sets to lacunarity indices, box-counting fractal dimension estimators and other quantitative descriptions of binary coverage maps that are popular in landscape ecology. The application potential of the well-known gliding box lacunarity index is greatly expanded by new estimators
that tolerate irregularly-shaped spatial domains. Further benefits include associations between quantitative descriptions, statistically-efficient estimators, and estimators of estimator variance. Hazard rate models for inference of random sets are also investigated.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Baddeley, Adrian, Supervisor
  • Caccetta, Peter, Supervisor, External person
  • Nair, Gopalan, Supervisor
Thesis sponsors
Award date26 Sept 2019
Publication statusUnpublished - 2019


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