Simulation of perched beach accretion using smoothed particle hydrodynamics

Cyprien Bosserelle, Ivan Haigh, Charitha Pattiaratchi, Shari Gallop

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Yanchep Beach, located 60 km north of Perth in southwest Western Australia, is a perched beach lying on a shallow rock platform. The platform is fronted by a natural sea wall several meters high. Every summer, the perched beach widens significantly. This study evaluates the hydrodynamic conditions in front of the sea wall causing the widening of the beach using a Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic model. The SPH model shows the importance of the reflected wave in the timing of the wave breaking and the presence of a velocity pulse near the seawall. This suggests that the hydrodynamic conditions are capable of significant resuspension and transport of sand on the reef platform.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 20th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 13th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference : diverse and developing
Place of PublicationBarton ACT, Australia
PublisherEngineers Australia
ISBN (Print)9780858258860
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventCoasts and Ports 2011: 20th Australasian coastal and ocean engineering conference and the 13th Australasian port and harbour conference - Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Perth, Australia
Duration: 28 Sept 201130 Sept 2011


ConferenceCoasts and Ports 2011


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