Shape and Texture Features in the Automated Classification of Adhesive And Abrasive Wear Particles

G.P. Stachowiak, Pawel Podsiadlo, Gwidon Stachowiak

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22 Citations (Scopus)


In this study the automated classification system, developed previously by the authors, was used to classify wear particles. Two kinds of wear particles, adhesive and abrasive, were classified. The wear particles were generated using a pin-on-disk tribometer. Various operating conditions of load, sliding time and abrasive grit size were applied to simulate adhesive and abrasive wear of different severity. SEM images of wear particles were acquired, forming a database for further analysis. The particle images were divided into eight groups or classes, each class representing different wear test conditions. All eight particle classes were first examined visually. Next, area, perimeter and elongation parameters were determined for each class and the parameters were statistically analysed. The automated classification system, based on particle surface texture, was then applied to all particle classes. The results of the automated particle classification were compared to those based on either the visual assessment of particle morphology or numerical parameter values. It was shown that the texture-based classification system was a more efficient and accurate way of distinguishing between various wear particles than classification based on size and shape of wear particles. It seems that the texture-based classification method developed has great potential to become a very useful tool in the machine condition monitoring industry.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-26
JournalTribology Letters
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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