Shallow water island wakes in unsteady tidal flows

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review


Islands have been observed to play a key role in the vertical
and cross-shelf mixing processes occurring in topographicallycomplex regions with strong tidal forcing. Satellite observations
of suspended solids and temperature have confirmed the capacity of islands to mix the water column over the depth and deliver nutrient-rich deeper water into the photic zone. The stability of the island wake establishes the wake form, which in turn controls the spatial and temporal distribution of mixing zones.
Therefore it is important to understand the physical processes that govern island wake stability. To date, shallow water island wake dynamics, stability and the transition to vortex shedding has predominantly been investigated for steady flows, this study investigates shallow water island wake structure for the more
general case of unsteady tidal flow.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
EditorsTimothy C.W. Lau, Richard M. Kelso
Place of PublicationAdelaide
PublisherAustralasian Fluid Mechanics Society
ISBN (Electronic)9780646597843
ISBN (Print)9780646597843
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Event21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 10 Dec 201813 Dec 2018
Conference number: 21


Conference21st Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
Abbreviated titleAFMC 2018
Internet address


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