Segments within Segments: Younger and Older Seniors' Expectations of Financial Planning Services

Simone Pettigrew, K. Mizerski, R. Donovan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


As the demographic profiles of countries change to include a largerproportion of seniors there will be a range of implications forgovernments, communities, and individuals. The financial planningindustry will be particularly affected as individuals come to takegreater responsibility for financing their own retirements and willthus require greater assistance with their financial planning. Thisarticle examines a range of issues identified by Australian seniors asbeing of greatest significance when selecting and assessing theirfinancial planners. The importance of each issue is considered interms of perceived personal relevance as seniors move intoincreasingly older age brackets. The objective is to provide bothseniors and their financial planners with information that willenhance the outcomes of their interactions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-13
JournalJournal of Research for Consumers
Publication statusPublished - 2004


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