Season influences FSH concentration in ovariectomized Ile-de-France ewes.

G. W. Montgomery, G.B. Martin, M. Blanc

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Ile-de-France ewes were ovariectomized during anoestrus or the mid-luteal phase of an oestrous cycle (day of ovariectomy = Day 0). In a short-term study, FSH concentrations were measured in blood samples collected hourly the day before and on Days 1, 3, 7 and 15 after ovariectomy (10 ewes per group). FSH concentrations increased significantly from 6.1 to 16.5 ng/ml within 1 day of ovariectomy and increased further to 47.1 ng/ml by Day 15. Differences between seasons of ovariectomy were not significant. In a long-term study, FSH concentrations were measured in blood samples collected hourly on Days 7, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 after ovariectomy in anoestrus or the breeding season (10 ewes per group). Further samples were taken (5 ewes/group) at 240 and 365 days after ovariectomy. The pattern of change in FSH after ovariectomy differed between the two seasons and the interaction between season and sampling day was significant. For ewes ovariectomized during anoestrus, FSH concentrations increased to a maximum by Day 180 and remained high thereafter. In contrast FSH increased more slowly in ewes ovariectomized in the breeding season and differences between the groups were significant from Day 90 to Day 270. However, both groups had similar FSH concentrations at Day 365. These results show that FSH concentrations increase rapidly after ovariectomy. There are seasonal differences in FSH concentrations in the absence of ovarian feedback with increases in FSH concentration around the time of the onset of the breeding season. Once FSH concentrations had reached a maximum, major seasonal changes were no longer apparent.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)271-277
JournalJournal of Reproduction and Fertility
Publication statusPublished - 1987


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