Rong Rupa Rakta Memaknai Festival Kesenian Indonesia 2023: The 2023 Indonesian Arts Festival at ISI Denpasar involves art universities in Indonesia and a number of art universities from abroad. This series of visual art and design exhibitions was held at ISI Denpasar.

Paul Trinidad (Artist)

Research output: Non-traditional research outputExhibitionpeer-review


DENPASAR, KOMPAS — Collaboration between art universities in Indonesia is holding the Indonesian Arts Festival again. The 2023 Indonesian Arts Festival, which was held at the Indonesian Arts Institute Denpasar, Bali, was enlivened by holding an international visual art and design exhibition entitled Rong Rupa Rakta.

Rong Rupa Rakta's international visual art and design exhibition at the Nata Citta Art Space (N-CAS) Building of the Indonesian Art Institute (ISI) Denpasar presents creative works across fields, from painting, sculpture, graphic art, crafts, ceramics, installations, video art , photography, and film and animation. Around 180 works were exhibited in the exhibition. The exhibition was attended by art universities in Indonesia and participants from abroad.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherInstitut Seni Indonesia
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2023


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