Robust Security Constrained-Optimal Power Flow Using Multiple Microgrids for Corrective Control of Power Systems Under Uncertainty

Wang Zhang, Yan Xu, ZhaoYang Dong, Kit Po Wong

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    50 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper proposes a new robust security-constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) method to balance the economy. and security requirements under uncertainties associated with renewable generation and load demand. Given the significant growth in microgrid (MG) deployments over the world, this paper explores the potential of using multiple MGs in supporting main grid's security control. Corrective control is employed to relieve postcontingency overflows by effectively coordinating system generators and multiple MGs. An incentive-based mechanism is designed to encourage the MGs to actively cooperate with the main grid for postcontingency recovery, which makes the proposed method to distinguish from the previous models using a traditional centralized control method, such as direct load control. A scenario-decomposition-based approach is then developed to solve the proposed robust SCOPF problem. Numerical simulations on IEEE 14- and IEEE 118-bus systems demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number7797219
    Pages (from-to)1704-1713
    Number of pages10
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2017


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