Robust large area molecular junctions based on transparent and flexible electrodes

Aitor Garcia-Serrano, Pilar Cea, Henrry M. Osorio, Francesc Perez-Murano, Gemma Rius, Paul J. Low, Santiago Martin

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Electrografting of an oligophenylene ethynylene monolayer (OPEH) onto a Mylar (R)-supported PEDOT : PSS and graphene substrate prior to wet-transfer of a graphene top-electrode has been used to create flexible and transparent large-area Mylar-PEDOT : PSS|OPEH|Graphene molecular junctions. The electrical conductance of the Mylar-PEDOT : PSS|OPEH|Graphene structure was determined by conductive probe atomic force microscopy (c-AFM), sampling various regions across the surfaces of multiple devices. All registered I-V curves (sampling size similar to 150 tests) give a sigmoidal response, consistent with through molecule conductance and ruling out the presence of direct electrode contacts or short-circuits. The demonstration of the combined use of Mylar-supported PEDOT : PSS and graphene as alternative electrode materials to conventional metal thin film electrodes in large-area molecular junctions opens avenues to enable flexible and transparent molecular (opto)electronic devices.Towards transparent and flexible large area molecular electronic devices.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1325-1333
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Materials Chemistry C
Issue number4
Early online date7 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 25 Jan 2024


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