Restoration of Compressive Strength of CFRP Plates with Edge Delamination through CNT Crack-bridging Deposited by Resin Pre-coating Solution

Gang Han, Bingyan Yuan, Xiaozhi Hu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Edge delamination, with only micro-scale crack openings, in carbon-fiber-reinforced-polymer (CFRP) composites due to light impact, machining and structural assembly is challenging to repair. This study presents a simple pressureless method to repair edge delamination in CFRP laminates. The compressive strength of CFRP panels with around 5–10 mm deep edge delamination cracks have been fully restored without utilizing any special equipment. Acetone-diluted resin pre-coating (RPC) solution, consisting of 95 m/m% acetone and 5 m/m% resin (without hardener), is utilized to penetrate deeply into sharp delamination cracks through capillary action, and 1 m/m% CNT dispersed into the RPC solution (RPC + CNT) is deposited inside the delamination cracks forming CNT-toughened adhesive joints. The compressive strengths of long cure time (3 month) are compared with 2-week results, showing 2-weeks are not sufficient for complete curing. With the 3-month curing period, the compressive strength of CFRP with edge delamination is 100 % restored by the RPC + CNT technique.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107798
JournalComposites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2023


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