Report on the Preliminary Findings of the 2018 Global Survey of Anthropological Practice: How we move through the world, how the world moves through us

Research output: Book/ReportOther output


This report sets out the preliminary findings of the first ever global survey of anthropological practice (GSAP) undertaken for the World Council of Anthropological Associations. The GSAP was live for four months, between October 2017 and February 2018, and was offered in both English and Spanish. In that time, close to 4000 anthropologists from all around the world responded, sharing personal information about themselves and their work. The report provides a summary overview of the GSAP and its findings and examines what was learned about the work of anthropologists around the world, as well as what was learned about how to collectively survey them.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages48
Publication statusUnpublished - Sept 2018
EventInternational Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences 18th World Congress: World Council of Anthropological Associations Biennial Meeting - Federal University of Santa Catalina, Florianopolis, Brazil
Duration: 13 Jul 201816 Jul 2018
Conference number: 18


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