Relating Nanoparticle Geometry and Terahertz Reflectivity

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review


We conducted terahertz thermometry using a terahertz time-domain spectroscopy system (THz-TDS) with several different gold nanoparticle sizes and shapes, and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) induced by a 520nm laser. The change in terahertz reflectivity due to induction of SPR was related to nanoparticle geometry and is consistent with temperature changes measured by infrared imaging. This work allows for optimization of terahertz thermometry techniques via the design of appropriate nanoparticles.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIRMMW-THz 2019 - 44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves
Place of PublicationUSA
PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISBN (Electronic)9781538682852
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2019 - Paris, France
Duration: 1 Sept 20196 Sept 2019

Publication series

NameInternational Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz
ISSN (Print)2162-2027
ISSN (Electronic)2162-2035


Conference44th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz 2019


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