Rehabilitation of aged offshore structures using composite materials

Jerin Mathew George

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Aged offshore structures will be forced to undergo repair or strengthening when they are degraded critically or needs to carry additional loads. Structural retrofitting of typical offshore structural members using carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) was experimentally investigated. Comparison between underwater and in-air retrofits revealed that underwater retrofitting is performing almost as good as conventional in-air retrofit. Numerical and analytical models were also developed for behaviour of retrofitted steel structural members. The durability of CFRP retrofits in actual marine conditions were also investigated. Overall, retrofitting using CFRP composites was found to be a promising technology for rehabilitating aged offshore structures.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Kimiaei, Mehrdad, Supervisor
  • Elchalakani, Mohamed, Supervisor
  • Efthymiou, Mike, Supervisor
Thesis sponsors
Award date10 Apr 2022
Publication statusUnpublished - 2022


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