Quantum centrality testing on directed graphs via PT-symmetric quantum walks

J. A. Izaac, J. B. Wang, P. C. Abbott, X. S. Ma

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    Various quantum-walk-based algorithms have been proposed to analyze and rank the centrality of graph vertices. However, issues arise when working with directed graphs: the resulting non-Hermitian Hamiltonian leads to nonunitary dynamics, and the total probability of the quantum walker is no longer conserved. In this paper, we discuss a method for simulating directed graphs using PT-symmetric quantum walks, allowing probability-conserving nonunitary evolution. This method is equivalent to mapping the directed graph to an undirected, yet weighted, complete graph over the same vertex set, and can be extended to cover interdependent networks of directed graphs. Previous work has shown centralitymeasures based on the continuous-time quantum walk provide an eigenvectorlike quantum centrality; using the PT-symmetric framework, we extend these centrality algorithms to directed graphs with a significantly reduced Hilbert space compared to previous proposals. In certain cases, this centrality measure provides an advantage over classical algorithms used in network analysis, for example, by breaking vertex rank degeneracy. Finally, we perform a statistical analysis over ensembles of random graphs, and show strong agreement with the classical PageRank measure on directed acyclic graphs.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number032305
    Number of pages17
    JournalPhysical Review A
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2017


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