Psychiatry postgraduate examinations for 2020 in the middle of COVID19 crisis: Suggestions from Indian teachers of psychiatry

M. Kishor, Henal Shah, Suhas Chandran, Ashok Mysore, Ajay Kumar, Vikas Menon, H. Vinay, Mohan Isaac, O. Singh

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9 Citations (Web of Science)


The COVID19 pandemic is an unprecedented disaster. In India, the spread of COVID19 infection and the subsequent lockdown coincided with a crucial period of the annual examination in almost all educational institutions. The pandemic has created hurdles in the conduct of examination due to many reasons, some of which are spread of infection and associated safety issues, lack of public transport for patients as well as the postgraduates in outstation and examiners, and lack of workforce due to round-the-clock service for rendering health services leading to difficulty in arranging logistics at the examination center. Currently, there are no guidelines or policies on how examinations need to be carried out during such a pandemic. Hence, there is an urgent need to look at solutions within the profession for the completion of examination. Teachers of psychiatry play an important role in the national mental health services. Their expertise can be valuable for finding solutions that work. This article has compiled suggestions from Indian teachers of psychiatry.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)431-434
Number of pages4
JournalIndian Journal of Psychiatry
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2020


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