Prospects for an Ethics of Architecture

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Bringing together the reflections of an architectural theorist and a philosopher, Prospects for an Ethics of Architecture encourages philosophers and architects, scholars and designers alike, to reconsider what they do as well as what they can do in the face of challenging times. It does so by exploring the notion that architecture and design can make for a distinctive form of ethical investigation. Prospects is less concerned with absolutist understandings of the two components of ethics, a theory of ‘the good’ and a theory of ‘the right’, than with remaining open to multiple relations between ideas about the built environment, design practices and the plurality of kinds of human subjects (inhabitants, individuals and communities) accommodated by buildings and urban spaces. The built environment contributes to the inculcation of all sorts of values (good and bad). Thus, this book aims to change the way people commonly think about ethics, not only in relation to the built environment, but to themselves, their ways of thinking and modes of behaviour.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOxford and New York
Number of pages233
ISBN (Print)9780415589727
Publication statusPublished - 2011


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