Preparation, rheological properties and stability characteristics of biochar based slurry fuels

Pengfei Liu

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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This thesis details the preparation, rheological properties and stability characteristics of biochar-water slurry (BWS), biochar­ glycerol-water slurry (BGWS), and biochar-algae-water slurry (BAWS) fuels. Stable BWS with acceptable heating values and viscosity were successfully prepared using biochar of bimodal size distribution. Addition of glycerol and algae to BWS led to BGWS and BAWS, respectively, with improved stability due to enhanced flocculation of biochar. The glycerol addition also increased the heating value of BWS. This work has provided new insights into the mechanisms of slurry formulation with significant implications in future development of biochar slurry fuels for practical applications.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Leong, Yee-Kwong, Supervisor
  • Liu, Jishan, Supervisor
  • Xiao, Zhi-Hua, Supervisor, External person
Thesis sponsors
Award date30 Aug 2017
Publication statusUnpublished - 2017


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