Potassium use efficiency of plants

Philip J. White, Michael J. Bell, Ivica Djalovic, Philippe Hinsinger, Zed Rengel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperChapterpeer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


There are many terms used to define aspects of potassium (K) use efficiency of plants. The terms used most frequently in an agricultural context are (1) agronomic K use efficiency (KUE), which is defined as yield per unit K available to a crop and is numerically equal to the product of (2) the K uptake efficiency (KUpE) of the crop, which is defined as crop K content per unit K available and (3) its K utilization efficiency (KUtE), which is defined as yield per unit crop K content. There is considerable genetic variation between and within plant species in KUE, KUpE, and KUtE. Root systems of genotypes with greatest KUpE often have an ability (1) to exploit the soil volume effectively, (2) to manipulate the rhizosphere to release nonexchangeable K from soil, and (3) to take up K at low rhizosphere K concentrations. Genotypes with greatest KUtE have the ability (1) to redistribute K from older to younger tissues to maintain growth and photosynthesis and (2) to reduce vacuolar K concentration, while maintaining an appropriate K concentration in metabolically active subcellular compartments, either by anatomical adaptation or by greater substitution of K with other solutes in the vacuole. Genetic variation in traits related to KUpE and KUtE might be exploited in breeding crop genotypes that require less K fertilizer. This could reduce fertilizer costs, protect the environment, and slow the exhaustion of nonrenewable resources.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationImproving Potassium Recommendations for Agricultural Crops
EditorsT.Scott Murrell, Robert L. Mikkelsen, Gavin Sulewski, Robert Norton, Michael L. Thompson
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
Number of pages27
ISBN (Electronic)9783030591977
ISBN (Print)9783030591960
Publication statusPublished - 14 Dec 2020


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