Portfolio of Performances Investigating Collaborative Practices with First Nations Artists: This portfolio is comprised of the world premiere performance of 5 works performed across 6 concerts (see Portfolio Items for details).

Ashley Smith (Artist)

Research output: Non-traditional research outputPerformancepeer-review


A major discussion in current Australian musicology attempts to address the historical appropriation of the cultural property of First Nations and other cultures by composers and performers of Australian art music. The portfolio evidences the practical application of First Nations Protocols for Cultural and Intellectual Property set by Creative Australia in the commissioning and development of new chamber and dramatic works for didgeridoo and chamber ensemble. Under the advice and mentorship with First Nations elders and musicians, this portfolio investigated the compositional and instrumental techniques for developing new creative works through respectful intercultural engagement.

Successful creative outcomes resulted from a long-term collaborative process. Several approaches were developed that allowed collaborators to maintain control and ownership of their cultural material, while supporting the creation of new compositional techniques and soundworlds. These included:
• the deliberate juxtaposition of techniques and styles;
• the employment of post-minimalist techniques that support layering of musical materials and instrumental textures;
• the incorporation of both fixed and indeterminate elements through structural division (i.e. juxtaposing notated and improvised sections) or the layering of voices with differing degree of determinacy.


The performances were funded by Arts Queensland and Creative Australia and independently produced by the Southern Cross Soloists and Bangalow Music Festival. Performances were staged at major venues including the Queensland Performing Arts Centre and the Melbourne Recital Centre. Performances were documented and broadcast nationally by the ABC, SBS and Network 10 and reviewed by media including The Australian, Limelight, Australian Stage and ClassiKon. Works were subsequently published by the Australian Music Centre. The Bangalow Music Festival performance was a finalist for the APRA-AMCOS award for Excellence in a Regional Area.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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