Pile and penetrometer end bearing resistance in two-layered soil profiles

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    61 Citations (Scopus)


    The paper examines the influence of soil strength and stiffness on the end resistance mobilised by a cone or displacement pile in a two-layered soil profile (i.e. strong soil overlying or underlying weak soil). The investigation involved a series of numerical analyses that idealise pile/cone penetration assuming the spherical cavity expansion analogue. It is shown how the end resistance mobilised by a penetrometer in a dense sand (i.e. strong soil) varies with the number of penetrometer diameters (D) from a weak soil (assumed here to be either a loose sand or soft clay), and depends on the ratio of the steady-state penetration resistances of the strong and weak layers. The penetrometer resistance in the weak soil is not affected by an adjacent strong layer at penetrations greater than 2D. A design procedure based on a numerical parametric study is proposed, and this is subsequently shown to compare well with centrifuge test data and with previous numerical research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)187-197
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


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