PHIL Study and Stability Analysis of Variable Speed Diesel Generator with Supercapacitor

U. Manandhar, X. Zhang, H. B. Gooi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper presents the power hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) study of a variable speed diesel generator with supercapacitors and renewable energy sources. The proposed configuration is suitable to test different control strategies for variable speed diesel generators. It can also be used to study different hybrid AC/DC microgrid configurations that include the variable speed diesel generator. The variable speed diesel generator is more efficient than constant speed diesel generator in terms of fuel consumption. The supercapacitor and its control are used in the study to enhance the dynamic performance of the DC grid. The overall control method and its stability analysis are presented in this paper. The proposed control method and configuration are validated by PHIL experiment.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2021 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PESGM 2021
PublisherIEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISBN (Electronic)9781665405072
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event2021 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting - Washington, United States
Duration: 26 Jul 202129 Jul 2021

Publication series

NameIEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
ISSN (Print)1944-9925
ISSN (Electronic)1944-9933


Conference2021 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
Abbreviated titlePESGM 2021
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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