Peroneal latency in normal and injured ankles at varying angles of perturbation

N. Fernandes, Garry Allison, D. Hopper

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50 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this study was to determine whether there was a difference in latency of the peroneus longus muscle at varying amplitudes of ankle inversion perturbation and between individuals with and without a history of ankle injury. Thirty-four male athletes from different football codes (soccer, rugby) received four random tilts to their left ankles at 5 degrees, 10 degrees, and 15 degrees in the frontal plane on a dual platform trap door. Peroneal latency was defined as the time difference between onset of the trap door movement, as detected by an accelerometer, and the onset of muscle activation above a resting baseline, as recorded using surface electromyography. Latency was determined using an algorithm, A series of repeated measures analyses of variance indicated that the latency was reliable between trials. There was no statistical evidence that history of injury or subjective ankle instability influenced the latency; however, there was a systematic difference between dominant and nondominant legs (dominant, 6.3 ms faster), and there was a small systematic effect (3 ms) for the angle of inversion perturbation, Muscle latency responses in male football players are thought to be influenced more by dominance than by history of injury or amplitude of perturbation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)193-201
JournalClinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Publication statusPublished - 2000


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