Penetration response of spudcans in layered sands

Y. H. Kim, M. S. Hossain, D. Edwards, P. C. Wong

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    The behaviour of spudcan foundations during the installation and preloading in two-layer sand sediments was investigated through large deformation finite element (LDFE) analyses. The LDFE analyses were carried out using the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, modifying Mohr-Coulomb soil model to capture hardening and subsequent softening effects of sand. Parametric analyses were undertaken varying the top layer thickness, relative density of sand and spudcan diameter. Both loose to medium dense-over-dense and dense-over-loose to medium dense sand deposits were explored. The results showed that, for the investigated relatively thin top layer thickness of ≤ 5 m, spudcan behaviour was dictated by the bottom sand layer with a minimal influence of the top layer. For assessing the penetration resistance profile in two-layer sands, the performance of the ISO, SNAME, InSafeJIP, and other existing theoretical design methods were evaluated.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)236-244
    Number of pages9
    JournalApplied Ocean Research
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


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