Partial Transection of Adult Rat Optic Nerve as a Model of Secondary Degeneration in the Central Nervous System

Carole A. Bartlett, Melinda Fitzgerald

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Web of Science)


Injury to the central nervous system is characterized by damage that spreads from the initial point of impact into the surrounding adjacent tissue, in a phenomenon referred to as secondary degeneration. The optic nerve can be used to effectively model injury and secondary degeneration to white matter tracts. Partial transection of the dorsal aspect of the nerve leaves the ventral aspect initially undamaged but vulnerable to secondary degeneration, allowing study of tissue exclusively vulnerable to secondary degeneration. Thus the partial optic nerve transection model of secondary degeneration is a valuable tool to study the pathology of spreading damage following neurotrauma and can be used to assess potential efficacy of therapeutic strategies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number3118
Number of pages14
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2018


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