Parametric imaging of viscoelasticity using optical coherence elastography

Philip Wijesinghe, Robert Mclaughlin, David Sampson, Brendan Kennedy

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    © 2015 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine. We demonstrate imaging of soft tissue viscoelasticity using optical coherence elastography. Viscoelastic creep deformation is induced in tissue using step-like compressive loading and the resulting time-varying deformation is measured using phase-sensitive optical coherence tomography. From a series of co-located B-scans, we estimate the local strain rate as a function of time, and parameterize it using a four-parameter Kelvin-Voigt model of viscoelastic creep. The estimated viscoelastic strain and time constant are used to visualize viscoelastic creep in 2D, dual-parameter viscoelastograms. We demonstrate our technique on six silicone tissue-simulating phantoms spanning a range of viscoelastic parameters. As an example in soft tissue, we report viscoelastic contrast between muscle and connective tissue in fresh, ex vivo rat gastrocnemius muscle and mouse abdominal transection. Imaging viscoelastic creep deformation has the potential to provide complementary contrast to existing imaging modalities, and may provide greater insight into disease pathology.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2293-2307
    Number of pages15
    JournalPhysics in Medicine and Biology
    Issue number6
    Early online date26 Feb 2015
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2015


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