Palynoflora from the Barremian–Cenomanian Biyadh and Wasia formations of Saudi Arabia: Insights into the Early Cretaceous paleovegetation and early radiation of flowering plants

Hani Boukhamsin

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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This research presents a detailed palynological analysis of 100 samples, documenting the palynoflora of the Lower Cretaceous Biyadh and Wasia formations of Saudi Arabia. The palynological assemblages reveal remarkably diverse angiosperms, with 42 pollen taxa identified in the Barremian–early Aptian Biyadh Formation and over 50 taxa in the? Aptian–Cenomanian WasiaFormation. These findings provide valuable insights into the Early Cretaceous angiosperm radiations and underscore the significance of northeastern Gondwana in the expansion and diversification of the group. The study proposes hypotheses on insular and aquatic angiosperm speciation, highlighting the impact of sea-level fluctuations on their evolutionary patterns.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Peyrot, Daniel, Supervisor
  • Lang, Simon, Supervisor
  • Vecoli, Marco, Supervisor, External person
Award date4 Aug 2023
Publication statusUnpublished - 2023


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