Palliative care nurse specialists' reflections on a palliative care educational intervention in long-term care: An inductive content analysis

Rosemary Frey, Deborah Balmer, Michal Boyd, Jackie Robinson, Merryn Gott

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Older people in long-term care facilities are at a greater risk of receiving care at the end of life that does not adequately meet their needs, yet staff in long-term care are often unprepared to provide palliative care. The objective of the study was to explore palliative care nurse specialists' experiences regarding the benefits of and barriers to the implementation of a palliative care educational intervention, Supportive Hospice Aged Residential Exchange (SHARE) in 20 long-term care facilities. Methods: Reflective logs (465), recorded over the course of the yearlong SHARE intervention by the three palliative care nurse specialists from two local hospices, who were the on-site mentors, were qualitatively analyzed by two researchers utilizing inductive content analysis. Results: Categories emerging from the logs include the importance of relationships, knowledge exchange, communication, and the challenges of providing palliative care in a long-term care setting. Conclusion: Evidence from the logs indicated that sustained relationships between the palliative care nurse specialists and staff (registered nurses, healthcare assistants) as well as reciprocal learning were key factors supporting the implementation of this palliative care educational intervention. Challenges remain however in relation to staffing levels, which further emphasizes the importance of palliative care nurse specialist presence as a point of stability.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103
Number of pages9
JournalBMC Palliative Care
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 19 Nov 2019
Externally publishedYes


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