Pakistan Rural Household Panel Survey 2012 (Round 1)

Asjad Tariq Sheikh

Research output: Working paperpeer-review


This report presents the results of household data collected during the Rural Household Panel Survey (2012). The household survey collected information on a large number of topics, such as education, nature of employment, sources of income, time use, consumption patterns, economic shocks, and participation in social safety nets. The preliminary analysis presented in this report, provides an important baseline for understanding rural poverty. Most of the results of the RHPS-2012 presented in this report are in line with the findings of nationally representative household surveys. Pakistan’s population is relatively young. The data indicate that the rural population of Pakistan is relatively young. Over one quarter of the population is younger than 10 years old, and 59 percent is under the age of 25. This demographic dividend provides substantial opportunities for Pakistan in the coming decades, but it is also a generation that requires quality schooling and investments in human capital today. Also, it poses considerable challenges for the country to provide economic opportunities for these youth as they enter the work-force.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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