Oral midodrine does not expedite liberation from protracted vasopressor infusions: A case-control study

Alexander J. T. Wood, Rashmi Rauniyar, Angela Jacques, Robert N. Palmer, Bradley Wibrow, Matthew H. Anstey

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Vasopressor dependence is a common problem affecting patients in the recovery phase of critical illness, often necessitating intensive care unit (ICU) admission and other interventions which carry associated risks. Midodrine is an orally administered vasopressor which is commonly used off-label to expedite weaning from vasopressor infusions and facilitate discharge from ICU. We performed a single-centre, case-control study to assess whether midodrine accelerated liberation from vasopressor infusions in patients who were vasopressor dependent. Cases were identified at the discretion of treating intensivists and received 20 mg oral midodrine every eight h from enrolment. Controls received placebo. Data on duration and dose of vasopressor infusion, haemodynamics and adverse events were collected. Between 2012 and 2019, 42 controls and 19 cases were recruited. Cases had received vasopressor infusions for a median of 94 h versus 29.3 h for controls, indicating prolonged vasopressor dependence amongst cases. Midodrine use in cases was not associated with faster weaning of intravenous (IV) vasopressors (26 h versus 24 h for controls, P = 0.51), ICU or hospital length of stay after adjustment for confounders. Midodrine did not affect mean heart rate but was associated with bradycardia. This case-control study demonstrates that midodrine has limited efficacy in expediting weaning from vasopressor infusions in patients who have already received relatively prolonged courses of these infusions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20-28
Number of pages9
JournalAnaesthesia and Intensive Care
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


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